Well, I am sitting in an office waiting for time to pass, so i thought i'd blog a bit to catch up. My mom's secretary is out, so i'm fillin' in "ERA Wilder Realty, may I help you?" It's been a while and there might not be anybody who still reads this thing, but it's mostly therapy for me anyway, so here's the update.
I'm not Jessica Hunter anymore, I'm Jessica Ryan. This is very weird. It is quite odd to just all of a sudden have a whole new name. I went to change my name on my license and it asked for my name and I wrote Jessica Hunter- that was pretty dumb- that was why I was there, to change it. Crazy. I still have to change a lot of other stuff too, but at the forefront is the signature. I'm tryin to figure out a cool way to write Ryan. A girls signature is very important. Better than a boys anyway, at least you can, most of the time, read it.
So far, it's pretty fun being married and we're getting our house all set up. I am thankful to the Lord for how he's provided. I do think I'll be writing 'thank-you' notes 'til Jesus comes back.
There's big parts of me that miss Clemson. I always heard about how hard it is to leave college because college isn't a real world- it's a bubble- and in Clemson there is a Christian bubble where there is lots of encouragment and teaching and growth- and then you graduate and the bubble bursts. I look forward to getting involved in lexington pres. and growing and learning and everything. If you aren't growing, you're dieing, you know. I am ready to start growing again.
I've been wondering a lot about to what extent the Lord works in us to accomplish what he desires to make of us and then how much of it we contribute to. It concerns me that my view for my life and his view for my life might not line up. He says to delight yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart. I do delight in Him. But lately I have a pretty stinky attitude and I mostly just want to have a joyful heart that is quite and trusts. If you are a believer, please pray that for me. Pray that he would give that fruit of His spirit in me that produces that joy and love and patience and all the rest.
Life is so short and the past few months are a blur. I'm glad people took pictures at our wedding or else I don't think i'd have remembered it. It was a beautiful day and I look back and know that our God was glorified. May he be glorfied a million trillion bazillion times more with our life.
I guess i need to get a new blog if I'm going to continue writing in here, seeing as how my name isn't jessicahunter.blogspot.com. wonder if jessicaryan.blogspot.com is taken?
It's rained everyday for the past two weeks. You'd think the sky would run out of water by now.