Slugs are so gross. There was one outside my house tonight. Once, when i was little, I was about to go to bed and had on my pajamas, but somebody came over to our house and I went out to see them. I danced around a little bit outside entertaining our guest, like little girls do... then I went back in and hopped in my bed. The next morning, I woke up and got in the bathtub. As I was scrubba-dub-dubbin, it felt like there was a sticker on the bottom of one of my feet. I looked down and it was a squished slug. He had been there all night. Ew.
If I were to give superlatives to my pots and pans, I think the MVP award would go to my small frying pan. It's my favorite one. Quite versitale. What a champ.
Teflon was a cool invention.
It's amazing how washing your dishes suddenly becomes a wonderfully fun thing when you know you should be studying for a biochem exam.
Lots of things suddenly become fun when you're trying to find almost anything to do other than studying! But, sleep is still one of the best options!
2:42 PM
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