time marches on..
Time is very strange. Next week is fall break, then we have two weeks till thanksgiving. When we get back from thanksgiving, we have one week and then exams. Crazy. This semester has been so jam packed that it's almost like it didn't even happen. In more than one way, it feels like it was just a dream.
Marti and I were in "The newsstand" today. It's a lil bookstore here in Clemson. We were looking at the new Anne geddes 2005 calendar. Has anyone ever questioned how she gets all those babies to fall asleep in such precarious positions and places? She's got this one baby asleep on the neck of a sumo wresler type guy. I would not describe this as "cute," which is normally what you go for when you have the whole, sleeping baby thing. People do not typically say "aw" at sumo wrestlers. One baby is balled up in a balloon and another is sleeping on the edge of a big rose petal. hmmm... What is her secret? Mothers everywhere would give their right arm to know! Her new stuff is very abstract and some of it's weird. I mean, the lady is talented and unique and all, but should we be concerned about the wellfare of these babies? Just a thought.
I really like to blog. There is something theraputic about sitting down at a keyboard and just goin to town. If you do not have a blog, you should try it. Yes, I am still on the blog campaign... even though many of my converts have been false ones.. I still persevere...
I think I figured out something important today. I think for the past while... years maybe.. I haven't been living for now. I don't really know when I have been living for, but I haven't been enjoying the now. I have been more, trudging through the now, so I could check it off the list. It has made me tired and I'm ready to stop that. I think a lot of it comes from being tired, like sleepy tired. College definately deprives me of sleep, sometimes by choice and sometimes not, but either way, a lot of times I am just dog tired. I don't do well under those conditions. I recently heard somebody ask the question, "why do we have to sleep?" Why didn't God just make us to where we could go and go and keep on going, like the energizer bunny? They answered their own question. They said that they think it makes us remember that we are not in control. We need sleep. There is didly squat we can do to change that. We have to have sleep and he made us that way. Then he grants us the rest that he made us to need. I think sometimes when I try to push myself to do all these things, I am not really being obedient or thankful. It is really a control thing. He gave me so much time in each day and I am tugging at him for more. He longs to give me rest and I refuse to take it. I'm gonna work on that.
I bought a new book today, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. I have always heard people talk about it, mostly girls. I have heard it said that in that book is the heart of a woman. I don't know about all that, but this woman will let you know whether or not she agrees with that in a later post. I read the first chapter, it's cute. I like classics. I like the way it used to be, back before I was alive. Funny how I can like something I didn't even know, but I do! I like to write in calligraphy with a dip pen. I like to knit and I want to learn to sew. I like to make homemade bread and grow my own vegetables. Call me a granny if you wish, but I like grannies anyway. Most every one I ever met was really great.
I wish there was no such day as Halloween. To me, the whole ordeal is rather freaky.
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