Obe La Di Obe La Da Life goes on... on.. la la la la life goes on...

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...

This is my first experience with this thing they call a "blog." I think it is a very funny word: blog. It's one you have to say to get the full effect, kinda like thneed. It's raining buckets here in Clemson SC, but life goes on.. I lost my keys today so I had to walk to class. Well, I would have had to walk to class, but there are these really nice maintenance people in family housing who hooked me up with a ride. It's cool to pull up to a class and hop out of this big honkin maintenace BUS! People are definately puzzled by it, but on days like today, it's a great thing! It's good to have friends!

This semester has been eventful thus far and will continue to be, I am sure... I have started my student teaching observation at Pendleton High School. It is going really good so far... Today's a big day though, because I am teaching my first lesson on Photosynthesis. I hope they aren't bored. The class I am hepling with right now is an AP Biology Class of only six students.. talk about a DREAM class! I recently met the one deaf student at Pendleton.. well, we had met before, but I went to his biology class to observe him and his interpretter and their interactions during class. It was so fun. I learned some really neat new signs. ASL is amazing. I think everyone should learn it! It helps the world make sense because it takes words and ideas and makes them real where you can see them. I love it. After being in there for a while, I did decide that I would rather TEACH than interpret. I like to interpret, but you aren't supposed to add things to help the student and that is my favorite part of teaching. There are only like two jobs in the entire state where this would be feasible.. so we'll see!

On other note, I am taking tennis this semester. How cool is it that I go to a university where I can get actual course credit for learning how to play tennis!? People are shocked that I do not know how to play tennis. It's not that I am just built like a tennis player or have a really large forearm or anything... I am the daughter of a celebrity. Well, in my opinion anyway. My dad was just named State Tennis Coach of the year along with adding another ring to his state championship collection. My dad refers to this place as "moo U" or KlemPson.. he's a hard core USC fan... but it's things like tennis class that keep me comin' back, dad!

There is A LOT going on right now.. and I am looking forward to being able to blog about it. I am learning a lot and growing a lot and getting a whole new perspective on a lot of things.. I'll keep ya posted!


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